Born from the philosophy of martial arts Wu Legend tries to approach it and make you discover it.
We have come, Freddy and I, from the martial arts since 1989 and it is over time that we have come to realize what martial arts can be. A wonderful school of life where we are taught respect but also to surpass ourselves.
Martial arts are nothing more or less than a form of personal development, which leads us to ask ourselves questions about our life.
WU Legend is not just a brand but an invitation to build our life and participate in a better world.
Like a desire to belong to a positive community, like a desire to be an actor in this change.
The challenge remains great and will not be able to reach its maximum potential without the help of all.
WU is five in Chinese and it symbolizes the five elements, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, Fire. Five elements which group together actions allowing this personal achievement. Meditation, combat (physical and moral), networks, health, knowledge.
A method that can be found in the SDG method (Les Sentiers Du Guerrier) which you can partly find on the YouTube channel of the same name. On this channel you will find hundreds of videos that allow us to work on ourselves but above all to regain confidence and above all to remain positive.
This chain allows us to help us evolve because all evolution begins with oneself.
This chain is much earlier than the WU Legend brand but it allows us to understand what it was born from.
It is therefore with a real desire to bring our rhyme to this world that the Wu Legend brand was created. But above all, the desire to embark on this adventure with us, where you will play an indirect role each time an item is purchased.
Indeed at the end of each year we will reveal the benefits to you and will give a part of these benefits to associations that make the world a better place. So each year the brand's customers will be aware of what their purchase has helped to achieve. Videos will be published to show what positive this has generated.
Wu can also mean Warrior depending on its pronunciation. This warrior who acts with kindness and who fights for his ideas and his dreams.
From this brand we have drawn a concept based on five characters who will cross stories that will be told to you through the articles in the form of mini stories. The goal is to convey positive energy through our articles.
We wish to create a powerful current of good intentions aimed at a shift in consciousness within each of us.
The project is big, beautiful and undoubtedly long. But with persistence and enthusiasm things take shape.
We hope to find many of you on this trail with us. Together we always go further.


SDG method

Meditate and impact your life to achieve success according to Chinese philosophy.
Put in place actions that will allow you to initiate the change you want to see happen.
From the 5 elements, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, this method is in two parts. A Yin and a Yang form. A passive form with meditation and an active form with the body sequence, with some physical exercises based on the 5 elements of Chinese culture.
It is sometimes difficult to know where to start when you want to see your life change. With this method you just need to apply the concepts every morning upon waking up or at any other time of the day. As for the time allotted to this method is up to you.
By implementing this method in your life there is a great chance that the changes will take place.
Through meditation, the spiritual aspect, and positive phrases you will reprogram your brain and your limiting beliefs.
This method was created after nearly forty years of traditional Martial Arts education. These Martial Arts where the individual should also be realized in his life.
You hold one of the secrets of personal development and the law of attraction. The Masters of old did not know the concept of personal development but had put all the important elements constituting the bases of what it is today.
This method is therefore a ticket to your expectations, your dreams and you are likely to see your life turned upside down in a magnificent way. A return to positive thinking is necessary in order to release this creative power that we all have within us.
The secret remains to do and never stop. Events can then manifest.
You will find a theoretical part which explains the state of mind of the SDG Method (The Paths of the Warrior).
And a practical part which includes a Yin form with meditation and a Yang form which is based on the 5 elements through a series of movements.
These two parts put together give the Yin Yang SDG form. Which is therefore part of the entire SDG method.
By appropriating it, you will change your habits and your life will be modified in order to achieve your goals.
Nothing magical, just the consequences of your involvement. Thanks to visualization and creative thinking, you will be able to make your life positive. Chinese culture is governed by the 5 elements and is introduced into its spirituality.
With the SDG Method, you have a concrete summary of its philosophy drawn from Chinese Martial Arts with the aim of achieving you and carrying out your projects.

For a change of consciousness

join the paths of the warrior

Our meetings

Our adventure allowed us to meet many beautiful people along the way. Through their work and collaboration, they gave strength to this dream and they brought this project to life.
Without their help none of this could have happened.
Like the concept of this brand, meeting with the other remains a fundamental step in all the achievements that we want to see accomplished.
A big thank you to all of you and the least we can do is quote you.